February 18, 2010
Stripping & Hanging Wallpaper
Finished stripping wallpaper today. Hanging paper tomorrow. I have recovered from my operation. My voice seems to be lower & louder.
January 21, 2010
Stripping Wallpaper
Stripped a bunch of wallpaper that was painted over. Great fun! Need to do some minor patching of the sheetrock.
January 8, 2010
Wallpaper hanger uses wrong glue
I repaired a wallpaper job today. The previous paperhanger used the wrong glue and refused to come back and make any repairs. I give a 5 year gurantee. Sam
January 2, 2010
Wallpapering vacation
Taking a paperhanging rest. Fixing some wallpaper tools & my pasting machine.
December 28, 2009
Commercial Vinyl Wallcovering 54″ Wide
Commercial vinyl wallcovering paperhanging in Richmond, VA
December 25, 2009
Christmas Day
A day off from hanging wallpaper. This is a help for me to understand God. This comes from the first chapter of John. The Word became flesh and made his […]
December 24, 2009
Hand Print Wallpaper Hanging
Today I am hanging the Peter Fasano wallpaper Bow Wow Wow. I patched the walls & primed them for paper yesterday afternoon. Sam http://samuelvpalmer.com/
December 21, 2009
Hand Print Paper
I hand trimmed some silk screen paper by:http://peterfasano.com/. Sam http://samuelvpalmer.com/
December 19, 2009
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